About Maylo McCaslin, page two


In this episode, she played a woman who had been locked in an asylum for supposedly killing her boyfriend. She didn't know if she was guilty or not, and so she wound up asking the Riptide crew for help.

She seemed to have a special connection with the geeky Murray--moreso than the hunky Nick or Cody.  I guess this is one reason why I found her character so engaging.  After all, I feel a lot more like Murray than the other two guys. 

Did I mention that she was pretty? Did I mention that this is why she got my attention? Yep, she was really pretty.

Apparently, she has continued to act, and has had some role in Aames's Bibleman productions. I don't know how active she has been, but frankly, I wish we could have seen more of her career.



I think she had a natural beauty to her—still incredibly attractive, but without looking as unnaturally made-up as many TV and movie starlets. Like I said, a natural beauty. Too bad I don't know more women like that.

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